Beli Mugri

To talk about Racin's Beli Mugri means to look deeply into the lives of the macedonian people in the period between the two world wars. The macedonian literature, before Kosta Racin, was in a longer quiet period, characteristic for the whole cultural life in the beginning of the XX-th century. In this time the macedonian literature did not have even the most elementary conditions for any kind of literary uprising. That is why the appearance of Racin's Beli Mugri is of great importance for the macedonian literature. With Beli Mugri, Kosta Racin became the founder of the modern macedonian poetry and was considered to be one of the most important proleterian poets in the Yugoslav literature in the period between the two world wars.

Racin's poetry is closely connected to the hard social condition of the macedonian people in the past. It strongly awakens the feelings of the people and calls them to fight against the exploitors of their work, which played its revolutionary part in the building of the socialist and class awareness of the people, and their organizing in the fight against the class occupators.

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