A Manifesto, Perhaps? The Preamble

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Posted by Nobody Important on August 06, 1997 at 16:14:27:

We, the members of the Student Direct Action Coaliton
(SDAC) set out last year to form an all inclusive social
action organization. With dreams and passion within us
we unabashedly charged forward without a thought except
that we would change the world simply because we wanted
it changed. We were wrong. Through bitter mistakes and
cruel words towards our fellow members we have come to
understand the true meaning of Lincoln's statement
"A House Divided Cannot Stand." All of us w anted the
world changed the way WE wanted it changed. All of
us were uncompromising and entirely too convinced
that anyone and everyone who disagreed with us was wrong,
stupid, ignorant of the facts, or even racist. In trying
to change th e world into the loving, harmonious community
we imagined, we became no different than the bigots we
supposedly sought to defeat. We must learn from the
mistakes of our past.
Noticing the bigoted hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan
and the militas responsible for the terrorist bombing
of the federal building in Oklahoma City, and understanding
that their beliefs of non-acceptance and intolerance of
ideas different than their own led to their hideous
actions, we have decided to fight their intolerance
with acceptance and love. While condemnation and a
"my-way-or-the-highway" attitude only creates anger and
disillusionment, tolerance of other opinions and compromise
of our own when necessary is the only way to ac hieve the
lasting social change that we desire.

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